Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fifth Day

I had basketball practice today. It was fun and tough. Everyone keeps asking me which I would prefer to play, soccer or basketball. I like them both. I’m also so busy and tired all the time that it’s tempting to play neither. But if I’m going to play one, I think it will be basketball. I think.
            Today was kinda tough. Although my Spanish is improving, it’s not where it needs to be, and that’s getting frustrating. It’s harder to understand things when I’m tired. I remember sitting on the plane flying here and thinking “at least I know how to say ‘I need to sleep.’” As soon as I met my family, I couldn't remember it, and didn't remember until we got home. 
I’m starting to miss home, and seeing familiar faces, and talking with friends. It’s hard. The students have been very welcoming here, but it’s not the same.

On that note, now’s the time to write about the things that remind me of home.

1.      Home cooked meals. Both of my families like to cook and eat as a family. This is great for me, as I like to eat, but it also really helps with my Spanish. I listen to my family talk, and participate too. They also tell me what things on the table are called. Very helpful. The food is delicious.

2.      There is a couch here that looks like a couch we have in the United States.

3.      There is a table here that looks like a table we have in the United States
4.   There is a carpet here that looks like a carpet we have in the United States
5.      Fires in the fireplace

6.      There are pictures of my family/friends in my room.

7.      The dog. Those who know me might wonder why a dog would remind me of home, as we don’t have a dog in the United States. This dog is named Micah. My twin brother is also named Micah.
Micah likes to try to get in through my window.
        I have my first rotary meeting tonight. It starts at 9.

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