Saturday, June 13, 2015

Seth in Chile

 Two semesters, four seasons, ten months, 42 weeks, 295 days, 127,631 words. An exchange year is a long time and a lot can happen, and a lot has happened. Much more than I could ever explain through this blog.
I’m not sure what to write right now. Nothing I could say would feel adequate enough to sum up such a long, fast, crazy year. But I suppose I’ll have to try.
This year in Chile has been the best of my life. There were lots of ups and downs, and it was far from easy. I’m happy to say that the ups outnumber the downs. I have made some friends for life. I have family in Chile. I have a life in Chile, a wild, ridiculous, fun life.
But the higher the mountain, the deeper the valley. I will miss my friends terribly, and my Chilean family so much that it already hurts. I need to say goodbye to this life that is completely mine, and that I am completely invested in.
There’s something very tragic about an exchange year, something that is often buried under the great stories and experiences that everyone talks about. I was put in a country for just long enough to learn a language, make friends, and really establish myself. Now I have no choice but to leave it all behind and accept the fact that I will not see many of these people again, and that I will not return to this life in Chile.
I highly recommend doing an exchange year to those who think that they’re up to it. There is not an exchange student “type.” The only real requirements are an open mind and a tolerance for tough goodbyes.
I owe a lot of people thanks. So to my friends and family in the United States and Chile, thank you. Especially to my parents and host parents. Thank you for all of your help and support. To my Rotary clubs and counselors, thank you for all of your work. It is appreciated. And I am thankful to God for this opportunity to grow and learn.
I stumbled upon a few quotes this year that really relate to my exchange year and other areas of my life. Here are a few:

“Do nothing in haste; look well to each step; and from the beginning, think what may be the end.” – Edward Whymper
“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” – Paulo Coelho

Well, that ends that. There’s nothing more to write for the time being. Now I’ve just got to wait for the next adventure.

It’s been great.

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